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1. Preamble:

Europcar Group UK Limited (“Europcar”) has a wide range of used Vehicles for sale. As a consumer You can view these Vehicles through the website and book a viewing/ test drive of a Vehicle on the terms set out in these General Terms of Reservation.

As a consumer You cannot make a purchase of a Vehicle through this website.

Only professionals can buy the Vehicles offered on the Platform directly online, in keeping with the General Terms of Sale that can be viewed at the following address Terms and conditions of purchase.

2. Definitions:

Throughout these Terms and Conditions, the following terms shall have the meaning that is imparted to them below. .

General Terms of Reservation Shall mean these general terms of reservation.
General Terms of Use Shall mean the General Terms of Use of the web site, which can be viewed at the following address Terms of use of the site.
Platform Shall mean the Platform that is available on the web site and that enables users to reserve or book a test drive of a wide range of second-hand Vehicles, depending on their profile.
2ndMove Website Shall mean the web site.
Vehicle Shall mean a vehicle belonging to Europcar and available for reservation on the Platform.
You Shall mean the consumer, individual or employee of the Europcar group who wishes to reserve a vehicle via the Platform.

3. Subject-matter – Scope:

These General Terms of Reservation apply exclusively between Europcar and You to reserve a Vehicle via the Platform with a view to test drive and potentially the purchase of that Vehicle on the other hand. Professionals cannot make use of this functionality.

They shall apply in addition to the General Terms of Use which regulate the use of the 2ndMove Web Site and which may be viewed at the following address: Terms of use of the site. In case of contradiction, these General Terms of Reservation shall prevail.

Given that these General Terms of Reservation may be modified at any moment in time, the version that is applicable shall be that which is in force on the date of the reservation of the Vehicle on the Platform.

The General Terms of Reservation can be accessed by clicking on the hypertext link shown at the bottom of each page of the 2ndMove Web Site.

By reserving a Vehicle via the Platform and clicking on the “RESERVE” icon, You imply your full and unreserved acceptance of these General Terms of Reservation.

4. Reservation:

Reservation is free of charge and does not in any way constitute a commitment to purchase the Vehicle nor a commitment on Europcar to sell the Vehicle.

Upon reserving a Vehicle via the Platform, you will have a timescale of forty eight (48) hours to get in touch with the 2ndMove by Europcar sales centre in which the reserved Vehicle is located.

Unless the 2ndMove by Europcar sales centre agrees otherwise in writing, the meeting must take place within forty eight (48) hours following the contact with the 2ndMove by Europcar sales centre.

A Vehicle can only be reserved by one person at a time.

Similarly,You can only reserve a single Vehicle at a time.

Should You subsequently purchase the Vehicle, your relationship with the Vehicle’s seller will be governed by a contract of sale that is separate from these General Terms of Reservation. Should You not purchase the Vehicle, the reserved Vehicle will be made available again on the Platform of the 2ndMove Web Site.

5. Stages in the reservation of a Vehicle:

5. 1. Creating a “My 2ndMove” account

In order to reserve a Vehicle, You must first register on the 2ndMove Web Site and create a “My 2ndMove” account.

Registration on the 2ndMove Web Site is free of charge and without any obligation.

Applications for registration on the 2ndMove Web Site must be submitted via an online form which is available at the following address Register.

You must register on the 2ndMove Web Site by carefully filling in the form that is made available to You and selecting an identifier consisting of a valid e-mail address as well as a password of your choosing.

Once You have registered on the 2ndMove Web Site, You will receive a welcome e-mail which will be sent to the e-mail address that you provided.

You can only open a single account in your name.

How we will use Your information is set out in the Privacy policy.

5. 2. The reservation process

In order to reserve a Vehicle via the Platform, please follow the steps shown below:

(i) Selection criteria of the Vehicle

Key in your criteria into the online form, including the make of the Vehicle, the model and any other useful information, such as the price, the mileage, the colour that you are after, etc., and click on the “SEARCH” icon.

(ii) The 2ndMove by Europcar offer

Should one or more of the Vehicles that are in stock match your criteria, these Vehicles will be displayed.

(iii) Selection of the Vehicle

If You are interested in a particular Vehicle and You wish to reserve it, simply select this Vehicle and confirm your choice by clicking on the “RESERVE” icon.

You can only reserve one Vehicle at a time. No other reservation will be permitted for the same account.

(iv) Identification

You must then identify yourself by keying in your e-mail address and your password. If You do not yet have an account, You will need to open a “My 2ndMove” account in keeping with the provisions of article 5.1 above.

(v) Finalisation of the reservation

A window will then be displayed, showing information regarding the Vehicle You wish to reserve and information about You, in accordance with the information that You provided beforehand upon creation of your “My 2ndMove” account. You will be asked to confirm that You wish to reserve the vehicle.

(vi) Confirmation e-mail

You will receive a confirmation of your reservation including the details of the latter.

Europcar and/or the Europcar Operational Entity which holds the Vehicle shall be entitled to reject any reservation of a Vehicle in the event of a breach of any of your obligations, and in general, they shall be entitled to reject any reservation that they consider to be abnormal or in bad faith for any reason whatsoever.

Your reservation, as well as the confirmation e-mail, constitute the contract between You and the Europcar Operational Entity which holds the Vehicle. We therefore recommend that You check that You have received it and contact customer service in case of technical problems (see article 10 below).

(vii) Contacting us

Once the reservation is confirmed, You must contact the 2ndMove by Europcar sales centre holding the Vehicle within forty eight (48) hours following the online reservation, in order to arrange a meeting to see/try out the Vehicle.

Should You fail to contact us within these timescales, the Vehicle will be relisted for sale and reservation on the Platform.

(viii) The meeting at the 2ndMove by Europcar sales centre

Except in case of prior written consent of the 2ndMove by Europcar sales centre, the meeting at the sales centre must take place within forty eight (48) hours after You contact us.

Should the meeting not take place within these timescales; the Vehicle will be relisted for sale and reservation on the Platform.

6. Right to cancel the reservation:

You can cancel the reservation at any time by contacting the Sales Centre.

7. Liability

Given the nature of the internet, Europcar cannot guarantee the availability of the website. Europcar accepts no responsibility and offers no warranty that access to the website will be uninterrupted, error-free, timely, that the server or the site which makes the website available is free from bugs and/or viruses or that the website will meet any requirements You have.

8. Miscellaneous terms:

Should You or Europcar or the Europcar Operational Entity fail to exercise or invoke a right or a term of these General Terms of Reservations, this shall not be tantamount to a waiver of this right or this term.

9. Applicable law:

These General Terms of Reservation and any dispute or claim arising from or related to them, their purpose or their formation (including non-contractual disputes or claims) shall be governed by and interpreted in accordance with English law.

10. Customer service:

The customer service unit of the 2ndMove Web Site is available to provide any information and answer any questions You may have. Please contact the Europcar customer service:

  • by telephone on 00 44 (0)116 256 5656
  • by e-mail
  • by post at the following address; EUROPCAR GROUP UK LTD, James House, 55 Welford Road, Leicester, LE2 7AR, United Kingdom

Please click on the following link for the full contact details of Europcar Legal Mentions