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Europcar Group UK Limited along with its Group companies, their franchisees, sub-contractors and partners (“Europcar”) are committed to protecting the Personal Information that you provide when you are use Europcar services. This Privacy Policy relates to our use of any Personal Information you provide to us via phone or text, by email, in letters or correspondence.  

1. Who is the data controller of the personal information we collect about you?

1.1. Europcar is the data controller of the personal information we collect about you (“Personal Information”) on the website (“the Website”)

1.2. Such Personal Information is provided to Europcar Group companies, their franchisees, sub-contractors and partners and are collected, processed and stored in accordance with English Data Protection Law.

2. What type of Personal Information do we collect about you?

2.1. The only Personal Information to which Europcar shall have access shall be the personal information that you provide freely through the Website or which is indicated in this Privacy Policy. In this respect, it is essential that you are aware that in order to register for certain services offered through the Website, you will be asked to provide Personal Information. In these cases, the failure to provide such Personal Information will not permit you to access or use the services in question.

2.2. We collect Personal Information about you, notably when you:

  • Register and subscribe an account on « My 2ndMove » 
  • As a consumer make an online reservation to view a vehicle or and/or as a business (or a representative of a business with the authority to bind the business) buy a vehicle online
  • Subscribe to newsletter / Email Alerts
  • Participate in a survey, competition or prize draw
  • Contact Europcar within the Web site 2ndMove
  • Use other online services which
  • Europcar may provide through the website 2ndMove from time to time

2.3. Europcar highlights which Personal Information you must provide in order to access the services through the Website, all other information provided by you is optional.

2.4. If you do not provide us with such Personal Information Europcar may not be able to provide all the services available on the website. If we cannot provide the services due to a lack of Personal Information 2ndMove will not have any liability arising from not supplying some or all of such services.

2.5. You shall, in any event, be responsible for the accuracy of the Personal Information provided. You agree to provide true information in relation to your Personal Information.

2.6. Europcar reserves the right to exclude any user from the services who has provided false or misleading information, without prejudice to any other action that may be taken in accordance with applicable law.

2.7. You agree to keep all the Personal Information provided to Europcar accurate and up to date.

2.8. In the event of any change in your Personal Information,that you agree to update Europcar as soon as possible.

2.9. In the event that you provide third party data, you undertake that you have obtained the express consent of such third party before sharing their Personal Information with Europcar for the processing described above. 

3. How do we use the Personal Information we collect - data transfer?

3.1. We collect and process your Personal Information in order to allow Europcar Group companies, their franchisees, sub-contractors and partners to provide you with the services requested by you

3.2. In particular, Europcar may use the information to:

  • (If you Opt-in) to send email notifications for special promotions unless you have opted out of receiving such communications ;
  • (If you Opt-in) to send you alerts for the vehicles that you have chosen to follow; 
  • Respond to your questions or suggestions ;
  • Improve the quality of your visit to our Website ;
  • Send you our Newsletter unless you have opted out of receiving such communications;
  • Manage your participation to a competition or a prize draw; or
  • Contact you in the context of the services that you have requested through the website.

3.3. Europcar informs you and you give your consent to the incorporation of the Personal Information provided through the Website into a customer management system owned by Europcar for the purpose of managing the reservation and the purchase of the vehicles via the web site 2ndMove, the relationship with users, development and improvement of the services offered, and, if you opt-in, for commercial purposes such as to keep you informed of all the deals, products and promotions, which may be of interest, either by email or other method.

3.4. Subject to you providing your consent to receive marketing communications via e-mail or an equivalent method, we may send you advertising material through this method.

3.5. This consent may be revoked at any time by request to the following address: [*].

4. With whom do we share the data we collect?

4.1. We may share your Personal Information with Europcar Group companies, their franchisees, sub-contractors and partners to provide you with the services ordered and the benefits in kind to which you subscribed.

4.2. Europcar has also contracted with third party service providers to manage our database and provide technical and any other support for the Website. Your Personal Information may be disclosed and transferred to such third party service providers and other contractors as deemed necessary for them to provide these services.

4.3. If we do need to share your Personal Information with such third parties, we will only do so if we have in place a contract which requires that third party to protect Personal Information using appropriate security measures and which prohibits them from using such Personal Information for their own purposes.

4.4. We may also disclose your Personal Information to third parties:

  • In the event that we sell or buy any business or assets, in which case we may disclose your Personal Information to the prospective seller or buyer of such business or assets.
  • If Europcar International SASU or substantially all of its assets are acquired by a third party, in which case Personal Information held by it about its customers will be one of the transferred assets.
  • If we are under a duty to disclose or share your Personal Information in order to comply with any legal obligation, or in order to enforce or apply our Terms of Use or Terms and Conditions or other agreements, to verify your identity ; to protect the rights, property, or safety of Europcar, our customers, or others. This includes exchanging information with other companies, DVLA, HM Revenue & Customs, the police, debt collectors (including solicitors) and relevant organisation for such purposes.

5. Links to other websites

5.1. There are several places throughout our Website that may link you to other websites. Europcar does not endorse any third party websites. If you click through, you do so at your own risk.

5.2. When you click through to these websites, Europcar websites information privacy practices no longer apply. We recommend that you examine the privacy statements for all third party websites to understand their procedures for collecting, using, and disclosing your information. So if you decide to visit such third party web sites through these links you agree to inform yourself about the content of these third party web sites.

5.3. Europcar accepts no liability for the contents of the third party websites included in the links or the use of such websites.

6. How we store & protect Personal Information - Data Security

6.1. We want our customers and Website visitors to feel confident about using our Website and making car reservations or purchase, so we are committed to protecting the Personal Information we collect.

6.2. We will retain your Personal Information for only as long as required under applicable law for the relevant purposes described in this Privacy Policy. Europcar and its third party service providers will use appropriate physical, technical and organisational security measures to prevent unauthorised or unlawful processing, accidental loss of or destruction of or damage to your Personal Information.

6.3. We will use appropriate physical, technical and organisational security measures to maintain the level of security required taking into account the personal data processed and prevent unauthorised or unlawful processing, accidental loss of or destruction of or damage to your Personal Information.

6.4. The Europcar network is a safe and secure online environment. Our systems are configured with data encryption, or scrambling technologies, and industry-standard firewalls.

7. How to access, update, correct or delete your Personal Information

7.1. We make reasonable efforts to ensure that the Personal Information we have about you is as accurate, current and complete as necessary for the purposes for which we use that data. However, you must update Europcar of any change in your Personal Information.

7.2. Under the Data Protection Act, you have at any time a right to access, and oppose for legitimate reasons, the processing of your Personal Information as well as the right to update, correct or delete your Personal Information collected by us that would otherwise be incomplete, inaccurate, outdated data, or forbidden by law, by contacting:

The Data Protection Officer
Europcar Group UK Limited
James House
55 Welford Road

7.3. To protect your privacy and security, we will take reasonable steps to verify your identity before granting access or making corrections.

8. How can I opt-in to receive promotional emails? - Our Opt-in Policy

8.1. 8.1. As a 2ndMove customer and if you chose to opt-in, you may occasionally receive, via email, information about our services, updates to our Internet site, customized advertisements and promotions that are targeted to your specific interest, such as special deals, promotions, contests, sweepstakes, other offers available on 2ndMove websites and/or sponsored by our advertisers and alerts when the requested vehicle that you have chosen to follow will be available. We send this information directly ourselves, or via third party service providers.

8.2. At any time, you may decide that you do not want to receive any future marketing or promotional emails from us. In this case, you can unsubscribe by clicking on the link placed in our emails and other communications.

9. Changes to the Privacy Policy

9.1. Our Privacy Policy is likely to be updated. We therefore recommend that you regularly review this document in order to be fully aware of our commitments regarding the security and privacy of your Personal Information.

9.2. A notice will be posted on this Website to inform you of any important change to the Data Protection and Privacy Policy, indicating on the top of such policy the date of the last update.

10. Contact

If you have questions about our Privacy Policy, please contact us Legal mentions.

Published on: 17/09/2014 Europcar Group UK Limited along with its Group companies, their franchisees, sub-contractors and partners (“Europcar”) are committed to protecting the Personal Information that you provide when you are use Europcar services. This Privacy Policy relates to our use of any Personal Information you provide to us via phone or text, by email, in letters or correspondence. informationwe collect about youinformationwe collect about youinformationwe collect about you